Kubernetes Diary of a GKE Journeyman - Running your personal Kubernetes cluster for (almost) free on GKE The first thing you'll need when starting developing apps on Kubernetes is your own Kubernetes cluster to play with, learn and experiment. Docker Desktop [https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop] makes this easy by shipping with a pre-configured Kubernetes cluster [https://blog.docker.com/2018/07/kubernetes-is-now-available-in-docker-desktop-stable-channel/] that
Still coding... I've rather sadly not been able to keep up with this blog as I would have liked. A great but demanding new job at an awesome company [http://www.salesforce.com] [1], two young children and a relocation to Ireland (while still working in London and occasionally traveling
DDD Readings in distributed systems and DDD Since I can't seem to find the time to write an in-depth article these days, I'll cheat for once and just link to others. These are posts that I've come across recently on distributed systems and DDD [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain-driven_design]
Entity Framework DbContextScope now available as a nuget package The DbContextScope library [https://github.com/mehdime/DbContextScope] for Entity Framework is now available as a nuget package [https://www.nuget.org/packages/Mehdime.Entity/]. Thanks to Tieson Trowbridge [https://tiesontrowbridge.com] for putting it together!
DbContextScope source code now available on GitHub The source for the DbContextScope component I presented in the previous post [https://mehdi.me/ambient-dbcontext-in-ef6/] is now on GitHub [https://github.com/mehdime/DbContextScope]. As usual, work got in the way and it took me longer than I would have liked to put this up. The good news is
Entity Framework Managing DbContext the right way with Entity Framework 6: an in-depth guide UPDATE: the source code for DbContextScope is now available on GitHub: DbContextScope on GitHub [https://github.com/mehdime/DbContextScope]. A bit of context This isn't the first post that has been written about managing the DbContext lifetime in Entity Framework-based applications. In fact, there [http://lostechies.com/jimmybogard/
NHibernate From NHibernate to Entity Framework 6 - Part 1: the mapping story This is the first part of an n-part series on using Entity Framework 6 coming from an NHibernate background . Although this series is primarily aimed at NHibernate veterans making the transition to Entity Framework 6, any developer new to EF will probably find most of this information helpful too. Introduction
Generating HTML emails with RazorEngine - Part 04 - Taking a step back: behind the scenes of Razor and RazorEngine This is the fourth part of a 10-part blog series. You'll find a list of all the posts in this series in the introductory post [https://mehdi.me/generating-html-emails-with-razorengine-introduction/]. Make sure to review the Before we start [https://mehdi.me/generating-html-emails-with-razorengine-introduction/#start] section in the introductory post. All
Python A tale of debugging - the LinkedIn API, .NET and HTTP protocol violations In my last project, I was in charge of integrating the LinkedIn API into .NET 4 application. A few weeks after launch and during a client demo (of course), a request to the LinkedIn API failed with the following cryptic WebException: The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=
RazorEngine Generating HTML emails with RazorEngine - Part 03 - Caching, VS integration & namespace config This is the third part of a 10-part blog series. You'll find a list of all the posts in this series in the introductory post [https://mehdi.me/generating-html-emails-with-razorengine-introduction/]. Make sure to review the Before we start [https://mehdi.me/generating-html-emails-with-razorengine-introduction/#start] section in the introductory post. All
RazorEngine Generating HTML emails with RazorEngine - Part 02 - Basics: generating your first email This is the second part of a 10-part blog series. You'll find a list of all the posts in this series in the introductory post [https://mehdi.me/generating-html-emails-with-razorengine-introduction/]. Make sure to review the Before we start [https://mehdi.me/generating-html-emails-with-razorengine-introduction/#start] section in the introductory post. All
RazorEngine Generating HTML emails with RazorEngine - Part 01 - Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blog posts in this series: 1. Introduction (this post) 2. Basics: generating your first email [https://mehdi.me/generating-html-emails-with-razorengine-basics-generating-your-first-email/] 3. More Basics: caching, VS integration & namespace configuration [https://mehdi.me/generating-html-emails-with-razorengine-part-03-caching-vs-integration-namespace-config/] 4. Taking a step back: what is Razor
Ghost.io - the first blogging platform that makes me happy Blogs have established themselves as one of the main building blocks of the web. Even though it's been a long time since having a blog was the latest fad among self-respecting hipsters, blogs are still just about everywhere. In fact, virtually everything you read on the web today
Xen Setting up a Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual machine with Xen on Ubuntu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Content 1. Why? 2. Creating your virtual machine 3. Where are the Xen configuration files? 4. Where are the Xen log files? 5. Troubleshooting common problems 6. Was it worth it? Windows performance on Xen Why? At Tickmeet [https://tickmeet.com], our build, test and deployment system for our